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Mobile test bench electro-pneumatic-hydraulic

Mobile test bench electro-pneumatic-hydraulic, designed for hydraulic tests for the strength and reliability of equipment in the field.




up to 250 MPa


-45оС to +40оС

A mobile electro-pneumatic-hydraulic test bench designed for hydraulic testing of strength and reliability of equipment in the field.  The mobile test wall is intended for installation and repair of equipment at well sites of oilfield and other equipment operating under high pressure. Provides bladeless work, prevents blowouts and open fountains. Mobile test bench electro-pneumatic-hydraulic, Corresponds to PB 03-576-03 "Rules for the design and safe operation of pressure vessels", "Safety rules in the oil and gas industry" Order No. 101 of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated 12.03.2013. Drilling service


• Code .................................................. ................................................ STIM01- epg
• Full test pressure, ............................................... ....105 MPa
• Control pressure max .......................................................... ...................21 MPa
• Working test environment................... Antifreeze, antifreeze, technical water
• Operating environment of the control system............... Oil type Ind. -20
• Water supply max .............................................. ................................................3 m3/h
• Water tank capacity .......................................................... ...............1000L
• Oil tank capacity .......................................................... ..............190 L 
• Bench supply voltage .............................................................. ....................380 V 
• Power................................................................. ................................................. .... 8 kW
• Connecting test flanges ............... GOST 28919-91
• Climatic version U1 ..........................................-45 °C up to +40оС
• Dimensions............................................... ...........6096x2430x2500
• Weight................................................ ................................................. .............6200

The test bench equipment is housed in a 20-foot SD block container with additional side doors, in an anti-vandal design. The container is fully insulated and equipped  electric infrared heaters, which allows you to operate in all weather conditions. The container consists of two rooms - an operator's room and a compartment for installing the equipment under test. Between the compartments there is an armored partition made of metal sheets with a total thickness of 6 mm, and armored glass, through which you can observe the equipment under test. Installation of overall equipment for testing is carried out in two ways: 1) through the roof, there is a double-leaf hatch with hinged doors, 2) through the side doors. A control cabinet is installed in the Mobile Electro-Pneumo-Hydraulic Test Bench, which reflects the pressure value, which is controlled by pressure gauges of the PGNS105 station and by the readings of the Paragraph PL 20 electronic recorder, which can record readings on a flash card. A video camera is installed in each compartment of the container, which has the ability to broadcast video online, which makes it possible to effectively supervise the tests. The pumping and draining of the test fluid into the equipment is carried out by an automatic pumping station in a closed cycle without loss into the test bench tank.

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