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Bulk materials pneumatic conveying system

The equipment of the pneumotransport system for bulk materials is designed for transportation and storage of cement and barite, which are used for offshore drilling on offshore drilling platforms for the preparation of drilling mud.

The principle of operation of the system is as follows: The material (cement and barite) is transported to the platform by a sea vessel by pumping from the vessel to the platform using filling hoses. Through the sleeves, the material enters the bulk materials receiving point, undergoes mechanical cleaning, which is carried out with the help of stone traps. Further, the material is transported through pipelines to the storage bins, the storage bins are a steel tank with a volume of 50 m3 each, designed to store cement and barite (material). Further from the storage bins, thanks to the air flow, the pipeline and a set of cranes and valves, the material enters the unloader bins , for cement and barite, separate bunkers unloaders, after which the material enters the mixing funnel and the drilling fluid is prepared. The air, due to which the entire system circulates, after the unloader hoppers, is transported for cleaning to the cyclone separator blocks, the block consists of a steel tank and a cyclone dust collector.

The operation of the entire system is controlled by the control system, which is responsible for the following functions:

  • Refueling storage bins

  • Transfer of material from storage bins to service bins, control of valves and valves

  • Control of the level, weight of the material in each container.

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offshore drilling

The system consists

  • Bunker (made in the form of a cylindrical container) for storing cement. Each bunker is equipped with a safety valve, weighing system, indication and control systems.

  • Weight storage bin. Each bunker is equipped with a safety valve, weighing system, indication and control systems.

  • Bunker - unloader (one for cement and one for weighting agent).

  • Bunker - dust collector (one for cement and one for weighting agent).

  • Connecting fittings

  • Filters-  stone traps

  • Sleeves (hoses) for receiving bulk materials from the vessel

  • Pneumatic transport equipment control system

  • Gate valves and taps

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